Loop Logics v Usher Group


Gold Coast SUNS vs Brisbane Lions

  • 00Days
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📆 Saturday, 27th July

🕒 From 2:35 pm to 7 pm

Game commences at 4:35pm
📍 People First Stadium Rooftop Deck

OH NO.... 🙁

All Tickets Booked

Thank you for your interest in our event! All tickets have been booked, but you can register your interest for our next events. Stay tuned for updates and future opportunities!

OH NO... 🙁

All Tickets Booked

Thank you for your interest in our event! All tickets have been booked, but you can register your interest for our next events. Stay tuned for updates and future opportunities!







with others

*By registering for this event, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

  1. Industry Requirement: All participants must be actively involved in the construction industry. This includes, but is not limited to, roles such as contractors, builders, engineers, tradies, architects, and construction managers.
    2. Event Attendance: Participants must be available to attend the event on the 27th of July, 2024. Your registration confirms your commitment to being present on this date.
    3. Age Requirement: All attendees must be 18 years of age or older at the time of registration. By registering, you confirm that you meet this age requirement.
    Failure to meet any of these conditions may result in the cancellation of your registration. We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to seeing you at the event.
    4. By submitting this form, you agree to receive information from us about upcoming events, software feature updates, industry insights and more.

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Gold Coast, QLD, Australia