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Achieving Equality in the Construction Industry

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In today’s evolving construction sector, achieving equality is a paramount goal. Traditionally, the industry has been male-dominated, but recent initiatives like the Victorian Government’s Building Equality Policy (BEP) are driving significant change. This policy aims to foster gender equality across construction projects, marking a crucial step towards creating a more inclusive and equitable environment. With such initiatives gaining traction, the construction industry is poised for a transformative journey towards achieving equality.

Is the Building Equality Policy (BEP) a game changer?

The BEP requires contractors to undertake significant actions to promote gender equality within their workforce. 


These actions include: 


  • Meeting project-specific gender equality targets, ensuring that women are not just present but actively contributing and leading within the construction sector. 
  • Engaging women as apprentices and trainees, opening up pathways for women to enter and excel in the construction industry. 
  • Implementing Gender Equality Action Plans (GEAPs), which outline specific steps and measures contractors will adopt to create a more inclusive workplace. 

For more details on the BEP, visit the official Victorian Government website.

Insights from UNSW Sydney researchers towards achieving equality in the construction industry

A report from UNSW Sydney sheds light on the persistent barriers to gender equality in construction.


Key findings include:


  • The industry’s long hours and the expectation of total availability disproportionately impact women, particularly those with caregiving responsibilities. 
  • A culture that tolerates sexism, including inappropriate drawings, wording, and behaviour, makes the construction environment unwelcoming for women. 
  • Challenges surrounding parental leave and the negotiation thereof, despite existing policies. 

The report advocates for meaningful changes, such as the introduction of part-time, shared, and flexible roles; a zero-tolerance policy towards sexism; and improved on-site facilities for women. These measures aim to make the construction sector more accessible and supportive for female professionals. 


Read the full research.

Achieving equality at Loop Logics

Loop Logics construction management software emerges as a powerful tool in this journey towards equality. Designed with user-friendliness in mind our technology doesn’t discriminate.

At Loop Logics, equality is not just a concept - it's a practiced reality. We embrace diversity across all aspects of our operations, ensuring that everyone, irrespective of gender or background, has equal access to opportunities and advancements. Moreover, through our construction management software, we promote a level playing field where efficiency and productivity are the common goals shared by all users. By providing an intuitive platform that simplifies complex tasks, Loop Logics software ensures that all customers, regardless of gender, have equal opportunities to manage projects effectively and efficiently. This technological solution enhances productivity and supports the industry's shift towards a more inclusive and diverse workforce.

As the construction industry embarks on this journey of transformative change, achieving equality in the construction industry becomes a central focus. This evolution goes beyond mere compliance or meeting quotas; it’s about fostering an inclusive culture where diversity thrives and equal opportunities abound. As we pave the way for progress, it’s not just the physical landscapes that will be reshaped, but also the social landscape, ensuring that everyone has a chance to contribute to and benefit from an inclusive industry.

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